Brevard County Residents: Send a Message to Your County Commissioners That You Support Manatees and the Indian River Lagoon
Anti-manatee forces are at work again in Brevard County, and they got an Add-On to Tuesday's agenda with the help of Commissioner Smith. An item at the January 12th, 2016 BCC meeting asks the Commissioners to adopt a resolution that would remove protections from manatees in Brevard County. The resolution aims to remove speed zone protections in Brevard waterways, dismantle the Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act, support downlisting of manatees from endangered to threatened, and call for a county ordinance for local law enforcement to stop enforcing state and federal manatee zones. The latest tactic employed by manatee foes is claiming that manatee grazing is incompatible with the health of the Indian River Lagoon -- a complete and total fallacy not substantiated by any seagrass or manatee biologists.
Click the following link to see Save the Manatee Club's comments on the resolution.
Click the following link to see Save the Manatee Club's comments on the resolution.
What You Can Do:
- Please write your County Commissioners and tell them you DO NOT support Commissioner Smith's Resolution entitled "Supporting the health of the Indian River Lagoon by encouraging efforts to amend the Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act". Ask them to vote against the resolution because it is inconsistent with the laws and policies currently in place to protect manatees and the Indian River Lagoon. Tell them to oppose this anti-manatee agenda. Click here to access contact information for the County Commissioners:
http://www.brevardcounty.us/CountyCommission/CountyCommissionersHome Please take action by Monday, January 11th as this item will be heard the following day.
- If you can attend the meeting and speak against this item, please do so. Click here for the meeting information: http://brevardcountyfl.iqm2.com/Citizens/Default.aspx

500 N. Maitland Ave., Maitland, FL 32751 | Tel: 407-539-0990
Save the Manatee Club © 2016. All rights reserved.
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