Wednesday, October 8, 2014

October 17th Space Coast Audubon meeting

Join Space Coast Audubon Society for our October 17th Meeting
“A Pictorial Journey into the Birds of Colombia”

WHO:  Space Coast Audubon Society (SCAS)

WHERE:  Rockledge Presbyterian Church, 921 Rockledge Dr, Rockledge, FL.

WHEN:   October 17, 2014 at 7:30 pm

Ernest Leupin will be our speaker and will be presenting A Pictorial Journey into the Birds of Colombia

Ernest was born and raised in Colombia.  He received a Master's Degree in Conservation Biology from the University of British Columbia.  He now works as an Environmental Consultant addressing terrestrial wildlife species, habitat, and conservation.  Ernest moves back and forth from his hometown in S Florida to British Columbia to Colombia.  Ernest has been birdwatching since 1997 and has birded in Canada, United States, Costa Rica, and of course Colombia.  Ernest founded Colombia Wild Eco-tours to promote environmentally sustainable ecotourism in Colombia and to support local communities that protect their natural resources. 

Colombia is #1 worldwide in diversity of birds with 1903 (75 endemics) and has more species of birds than Europe and North America combined.  It has 19% of the world’s species in .8% of the landmass.  But Colombia's biodiversity does not stop with birds.  With a mind - boggling 55,000 species of plants, of which nearly 30% are endemic, 623 species of amphibians, 467 species of mammals, 518 species of reptiles, and countless insects, it is a biodiversity haven!  Colombia is divided into 5 regions:  Caribbean, Pacific, Andes, Plains and Amazon.  Come join us as Ernest takes us on an amazing journey thru all 5 of these beautiful regions.   

Visit the Space Coast Audubon Society website at

We look forward to another great turnout.

Jim Eager
Space Coast Audubon Society
Vice President
Program/Publicity Chair

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