Come learn about this unique family-oriented bird. Florida scrub-jays can only be found on dry scrubby areas of Florida, nowhere else on earth. They live in close family groups, never migrate and are very reluctant to leave the area where they grow-up, even if the habitat deteriorates (even if it is bulldozed!). These jays are naturally very friendly and curious, but are in serious trouble. Come learn why their numbers are dropping at alarming rates, what is being done statewide, and what you can do to help stop this decline. The presentation will be given by wildlife biologist Maria Zondervan with the St. Johns River Water Management District.
Please join us at the Rockledge Presbyterian Church on the evening of April 19th at 7:30 for a unique and fascinating presentation.
Note: Unless otherwise noted, all general meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. in Calvin Hall at the Rockledge Presbyterian Church, 921 Rockledge Drive (on the corner of Orange Ave) Rockledge, FL.